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  1. We aim to deliver the Product to you at the place of delivery requested by you in your Order.

  2.  We aim to deliver within the time indicated by us at the time of your Order (and updated in the Confirmation of Order) but we cannot promise an exact date when you submit your Order or at the Confirmation of Order. We always aim to deliver within the stipulated time frame of any Order, which we accept but we cannot guarantee any firm delivery dates.

  3.  We shall aim to let you know if we expect that we are unable to meet our estimated delivery date, but, to the extent permitted by law, we shall not be liable to you for any losses, liabilities, costs, damages, charges or expenses arising out of late delivery.

  4.  On delivery of the Product, you may be required to sign for delivery. You agree to inspect the Product for any obvious faults, defects or damage before you sign for delivery. You need to keep receipt of the delivered Product in case of future discussions with us about it.

  5.  Please note that it might not be possible for us to deliver to some locations. If this is the case, we will inform you using the contact details that you provide to us when you make your Order and arrange for cancellation of the Order or delivery to an alternative delivery address.

  6.  We deliver in our standard packaging. Any special packaging requested by you is subject to additional charges.

  7.  All risk in the Product shall pass to you upon delivery, except that, where delivery is delayed due to a breach of your obligations under a Contract, risk shall pass at the date when delivery would have occurred but for your breach. From the time when risk passes to you, we will not be liable for loss or destruction of the Product.

  8. You must take care when opening the Product so as not to damage it, particularly when using any sharp instruments.

  9.  You shall ensure that you are ready for safe receipt of the Product without undue delay and at any time reasonably specified by us.

  10.  If you are not available to take delivery or collection, we may leave a card giving you instructions on either re-delivery or collection from the carrier.

  11.  If delivery or collection is delayed through your unreasonable refusal to accept delivery or if you do not (within two weeks of our first attempt to deliver the Product to you) accept delivery or collect the Product from the carrier, then we may (without affecting any other right or remedy available to us) do either or both of the following:

  • charge you for our reasonable storage fee and other costs reasonably incurred by us; or

  • no longer make the Product available for delivery or collection and notify you that we are immediately cancelling the applicable Contract, in which case we will refund to you or your credit or debit card company as applicable any money already paid to us under the applicable Contract, less our reasonable administration charges (including for attempting to deliver and then returning the Product, and any storage fees as provided for in clause

12. It is your responsibility to ensure that the Products are sufficient and suitable for your purposes and meet your individual requirements. We do not warrant that the          Products will meet your individual requirements. You acknowledge that the Products are standard and not made bespoke to fit any particular requirements that  you may have.



  1. These Terms & Conditions shall apply to all Orders and Contracts made or to be made by us for the supply and sale of Products. When you submit an Order to us, give any delivery instruction or accept delivery of the Products, this shall in any event constitute your unqualified acceptance of these Terms & Conditions. Nothing in these Terms & Conditions affects your statutory rights (including the right to insist that goods you buy from businesses must correspond with their description, be fit for their purpose and be of satisfactory quality).

  2. These Terms & Conditions shall prevail over any separate terms put forward by you. Any conditions that you submit, propose or stipulate in whatever form and at whatever time, whether in writing, by email or orally, are expressly waived and excluded.

  3.  No other terms or changes to the Terms &and Conditions shall be binding unless agreed in writing by us and signed.


In these Terms & Conditions:
  1. “Account” means the account that you will need to register for on the Site if you would like to submit an Order on the Site;
  2.  “Acknowledgement” means our acknowledgement of your Order by email;

  3. “Breach of Duty” has the meaning given to it in clause 10.11(b) of these Terms and Conditions;

  4.  “Business Day” means a day which is neither (i) a Saturday or Sunday, nor (ii) a public holiday anywhere in Malaysia;

  5. “Confirmation of Order” means our email to you, in which we accept your Order in accordance with clause 4.9 below;

  6.  “Contract” means your Order of a Product or Products in accordance with these Terms and Conditions which we accept in accordance with clause 4.9 below;

  7. “Customer” means individual who places an Order on the Site;

  8. ”Liability” has the meaning given to it in clause 10.11(a) of these Terms and Conditions;

  9. ”Order” means the order submitted by you to the Site to purchase a Product from us;

  10. ”you” means the Customer who places an Order;

  11.  references to “clauses” are to clauses of these Terms and Conditions;

  12. headings are for ease of reference only and shall not affect the interpretation or construction of the Terms and Conditions;

  13. words imparting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa. Words imparting a gender shall include every gender and references to persons shall include an individual, company, corporation, firm or partnership;

  14. references to “includes” or “including” or like words or expressions shall mean without limitation.



Client Status
  • To place an order with you must be over 18 years of age and possess a valid credit or debit card issued by a bank acceptable to us.

  •  For contact lenses and prescription glasses purchase, you must also possess a valid prescription issued by your eye care professionals.



Welcome to This page (together with the documents referred to) contains the Terms and Conditions (the “Terms & Conditions”) on which we supply any of the products (“Product”) listed on our website (the “Site”) to you. Please read these Terms & Conditions carefully before ordering any Products from the Site.By accessing the Site, you confirm your understanding of the Terms & Conditions. You should understand that by ordering any of our Products, you agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions. If you do not agree to these Terms & Conditions of use, you shall not use this website. The Site reserves the right, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of these Terms & Conditions of use at any time. Changes will be effective when posted on the Site with no other notice provided. Please check these Terms & Conditions of use regularly for updates. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of changes to these Terms & Conditions of use constitutes your acceptance of those changes.




Terms & Condition

  1. We may cancel a Contract if the Product is not available for any reason. We will notify you if this is the case and return any payment that you have made.

  2.  We will usually refund any money received from you using the same method originally used by you to pay for the Product.



Cancellation by customer (Non-faulthy Product)
  1. If you wish to cancel your order please contact our Customer Service Team via email. No cancellation fees apply. Once an order has been dispatched it may not be cancelled and the item must instead be returned to the company according to guidelines provided by the costumer care department (Please call the above stated number or refer to your return-slip provided in your received parcel).


Faulthy Products
  • We warrant that:

 the Product will be delivered undamaged in the quantities ordered; and

 the Product will conform with the manufacturer’s latest published instructions as set out on the Site or in our Product material at the time of your Order.


  • The Product is intended to be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s latest published instructions as set out on the Site or as on the Product itself. It is your responsibility to ensure that you use the Product strictly in accordance with those instructions.


  •  Before delivery, we may make minor adjustments to material, colour, weight, measurements, design and other features to the extent that they are reasonable.


  •  We try very hard to deliver Products in excellent condition. However, if you tell us that the Product is faulty, you agree to keep the Product in its current condition available for us (or our agent) to inspect within a reasonable time.


  •  In order to provide you with any remedies for a faulty Product, we may need your assistance and prompt provision of certain information regarding the Product, including;you specifying with reasonable detail the way in which it is alleged that the Product is damaged or defective; anyou providing us with the delivery note number and such other information as we reasonably require.


  • If you would like us to repair, replace or provide a refund for the Product where it did conform to the applicable Contract, and we find that the Product has:


  •  been misused, abused or subjected to neglect, improper or inadequate care, carelessness, damage or abnormal conditions


  •  been involved in any accident or damage caused by an incorrect attempt at modification or repair; 


  •  been dealt with or used contrary to our or the manufacturer’s instructions for the Product; 


  • deteriorated through normal wear and tear, after delivery by us, we may at our discretion decide not to repair, replace or refund you for the Product and/or we may require you to pay all reasonable carriage costs and servicing costs at our current standard fees and costs and charge this to your credit or debit card, or the payment details that you provided to us when you made your Order, and, to the extent permitted by law, we shall not be liable to you for any losses, liabilities, costs, damages, charges or expenses as a result.

Return Funds

Items can be returned if they had fulfilled the below criteria:

  1. Contact lenses return

  2.  Contact lenses must be returned in their original packaging including unopened and undamaged boxes.

  3. We are unable to accept contact lenses return without boxes, damaged boxes or with opened boxes. Please make sure that the contact lenses you received is the correct measurement and prescription before opening the box.

  4.  Glasses return

  5.  Glasses and sunglasses must be returned in their original packaging with good condition, and altogether with the casings, cloths and product guide (if available).

  6.  We are unable to accept glasses and sunglasses return with damage and incomplete with casings, cloths and product guide (if available).

  7.  Only returns via courier service is accepted, as we do not honour any walk-ins. Refund will be made by means of store credit in the form of voucher (valid for 365 days from the day of return). Store credit can be used to make future purchases through our website. In the event that we send you a wrong item or the item is defective, we will send you a replacement item. Should the item be out of stock, we will issue a cash refund.

Limitation of Liability
  1. This clause 10 prevails over all other clauses and sets forth our entire Liability, and your sole and exclusive remedies, for:

a) the performance, non-performance, purported performance or delay in performance of these Terms and Conditions or a Contract or the Site (or any part of it or them)

b) otherwise in relation to these Terms and Conditions or the entering into or performance of these Terms and Conditions

Gurantee and complain management
  1.  We shall perform our obligations under these Terms & Conditions with reasonable skills and care.

  2.  We place great value on our customer satisfaction. You may contact us at any time using the contact details given in clause 1.1 of these Terms & Conditions. We will attempt to address your concerns as soon as reasonably possible and will contact you on receipt of any relevant inquiry or complaint. In guarantee cases, the manufacturer frequently must be involved, and as such it may take longer to resolve such an inquiry or complaint.

  3.  In the event of a complaint it will help us if you can describe the object of your complaint as accurately as possible and, where applicable, send us copies of the Order or at least the order number that we assign you in the Acknowledgement or Confirmation of Order. Should you not have received any reaction from us within five Business Days, please make further inquiries. In rare cases your emails may be caught up in our spam filters or not reach us, or correspondence that we send to you may otherwise not have reached you.

Data Protection

Please see our Privacy Policy, which forms part of these Terms & Conditions.

Circumstances beyond our control
  1. We shall not be liable to you for any breach, hindrance or delay in the performance of a Contract attributable to any cause beyond our reasonable control, including without limitation any natural disaster and unavoidable incident, actions of third parties (including without limitation hackers, suppliers, governments, quasi-governmental, supra-national or local authorities), insurrection, riot, civil commotion, war, hostilities, warlike operations, national emergencies, terrorism, piracy, arrests, restraints or detainments of any competent authority, strikes or combinations or lock-out of workmen, epidemic, fire, explosion, storm, flood, drought, weather conditions, earthquake, natural disaster, accident, mechanical breakdown, third party software, failure or problems with public utility supplies (including electrical, telecoms or Internet failure), shortage of or inability to obtain supplies, materials, equipment or transportation (“Event of Force Majeure”), regardless of whether the circumstances in question could have been foreseen.

  2. Either you or we may terminate a Contract forthwith by written notice to the other in the event that the Event of Force Majeure lasts for a period of two Business Days or more, in which event neither you nor we shall be liable to the other by reason of such termination (other than for the refund of a Product already paid for by you and not delivered).

  3. If we have contracted to provide identical or similar Products to more than one Customer and are prevented from fully meeting our obligations to you by reason of an Event of Force Majeure, we may decide at our absolute discretion which contracts we will perform and to what extent.

  1.  Any notice under a Contract shall be in writing and may be served by personal delivery or by pre-paid or recorded delivery letter or by email addressed to the relevant party at the address or email address of the relevant party last known to the other.

  2. Any notice given by post shall be deemed to have been served two Business Days after the same has been posted if the recipient address is in the country. Any notice given by email shall be deemed to have been served when the email has been proved to be received by the recipient’s server. In proving such service it shall be sufficient to prove that the letter or email was properly addressed and, as the case may be, posted as a prepaid or recorded delivery letter or dispatched or a delivery report received.

  1.  We shall keep a record of your Order and these Terms & Conditions until six years after we have accepted your Order. However, for your future reference, we advise you to print and keep a copy of these Terms & Conditions, your Order, the Acknowledgement and the Confirmation of Order.

  2.  No failure or delay by us or you in exercising any right under these Terms & Conditions or a Contract shall operate as a waiver of such right or extend to or affect any other or subsequent event or impair any rights or remedies in respect of it or in any way modify or diminish our or your rights under these Terms & Conditions or a Contract.

  3.  If any clause in these Terms & Conditions or a Contract shall become or shall be declared by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall in no way affect any other clause or part of any clause, all of which shall remain in full force and effect, so long as these Terms & Conditions or a Contract shall be capable of continuing in effect without the unenforceable term.

  4. You shall not assign, transfer, novate, charge, sub-contract, create any trust over or deal in any other manner with these Terms & Conditions or a Contract or all or any of your rights or obligations under these Terms & Conditions or a Contract.

  5.  Nothing in these Terms & Conditions or a Contract shall create or be deemed to create a partnership, an agency or a relationship of employer and employee between you and us.

  6.  No person who is not a party to these Terms & Conditions or a Contract shall acquire any rights under it or be entitled to benefit from any of its terms even if that person has relied on any such term or has indicated to any party to these Terms and& Conditions or that Contract its assent to any such term.

  7.  These Terms & Conditions and a Contract (and all non-contractual obligations arising out of or connected to them) shall be governed and construed in accordance with Malaysian Law. Both we and you hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Malaysian Courts. All dealings, correspondence and contacts between us shall be made or conducted in the English language.

Amendent to the General Business Terms & Condition

We reserve the right to amend these Terms & Conditions at any time. All amendments to these Terms & Conditions will be posted on-line. However, continued use of the Site will be deemed to constitute acceptance of the new Terms & Conditions


Avertising on the Site

We shall use our reasonable endeavors to comply with any relevant regulations relating to the Site published by the Malaysian authorities.

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