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Visual Fatigue

Visual fatigue syndrome is caused by focusing on object, such as computer or devices for longer period of time.The symptoms of VFS are not only bothersome, they can also be painful, reduce he quality of work and reduce the enjoyment of he day. The symptom include tired eyes, eye strain, headache,dizzyness, neck and back pain. These are the symptom of many suffering after long hours on the computers or participating in "close up" activities like working on a small devices or reading.


Essilor Anti Fatigue Lens

Optimized comfort & clarity for home and office


Essilor solution to visual fatigue

Essilor® Anti-Fatigue™ lens has a specific correction at the bottom part of the lens, a sort of boost zone, which helps your eyes focusing more easily.It's added to your current prescription so you can match a good vision and comfortable eyes till the end of the day.

For further information about the Essilor Lens coating,Click Here.

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