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Zeiss Finished Single Vision

Visual quality, cosmetic appearance and wearing comfort, i. e. weight, must all be taken into account in the design of single vision lenses. Nowadays, higher refractive indices for both plastic and glass lenses and aspheric/atoroidal surface designs make it possible to produce flat, light lenses which provide even patients requiring high prescriptions with outstanding visual and wearing comfort.


Single vision lenses are lenses with only one dioptric power. They are primarily used for single power distance or reading spectacles. As single vision reading lenses often cannot provide presbyopes with acceptable visual quality at intermediate distances, they are now increasingly being replaced by so-called proximity lenses for more than the close range.


Quality of the lenses


Prtotect from UV rays

Minimize scratch

Reduces glares and reflections

Easy clean surface


Build up

Reduces water

contact on surface

ZEISS offers a wide range of single vision products to serve all wearer needs

For further information about the Zeiss Lens coating,Click Here.

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