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ZEISS Officelens features

ZEISS officelens Individual design has an individual M.I.D. which can be customised to the wearer's needs in a range from 100 cm to 400 cm.The range of vision can be customised from the wearer’s personal reading distance up to the individual M.I.D. of the wearer. This guarantees even more visual comfort from near to intermediate distance.

Benefits for the wearer

  • Clear visual acuity for near to intermediate distance vision with wide vision zones

  • Relaxed and natural vision in the office and for any activities at near and mid-range

  • Comfortable head and body posture

  • Adapted to personal visual distance from the near to intermediate range

ZEISS Office Lens

See more at the workplace

The ZEISS office lens portfolio with Maximum Intermediate Distance (M.I.D.) technology. People spend a lot of their time indoors, e.g. when they work in an office or are doing things at home. For these everyday situations requiring near to intermediate vision, not every lens allows relaxed and clear vision. Unsuitable lenses can limit our vision and cause symptoms such as eye fatigue, eyestrain, headaches, neck and back pain.


Prtotect from UV rays

Minimize scratch

Reduces glares and reflections

Easy clean surface


Build up

Reduces water

contact on surface

Quality of the lenses

For further information about the Zeiss Lens coating,Click Here.

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