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Essilor Coating

Unlimited Vision whatever the situation


Essilor was formed in 1972 with the amalgamation of two French companies Essel and Silor.Essilor has had a presence in Britain since 1881 when Société des Lunetiers opened it's British operation in Hatton Garden, London. It maintained a presence in the city until 1975 when the company moved its offices and production facilities to Thornbury, near Bristol. 




Essilor Crizal Forte

The most advanced Crizal antireflective lens, providing ultra-protection against UV and perfect clarity of vision.Crizal Forte UV protects the eyes from UV rays reflected off the back surface of the lens and also protects against the five enemies of clear vision.


Essilor Crizal PreVencia Lens

Crizal Prevencia is the latest technology effectively filter harmful light while maximizing essential light including healthy blue light.It maintains lens transparency at 98% and completely protect from UV rays  that cause developement of  cataract.


Essilor OptiFog

The Optifog® lens has unique, hydrophilic top layers with inherent fog repellence properties. The anti-fog top layers placed on the Optifog lens are activated with the Optifog Activator Cloth. The Optifog Activator Cloth has the power to ACTIVATE and CLEAN the lens at the same time. Just use the Optifog Activator Cloth whenever you clean your lenses. Together they provide fog-free vision by spreading fog into a uniform, invisible layer of water on the lens surface.


Optifog lenses have unique and breakthrough Top Layers with hydrophilic properties. Activated by the new Optifog Smart Textile, they offer you maximum fog-free vision.

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