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Thin sophistication

Until now when it came to higher prescriptions, there had to be a compromise between optical quality and aesthetics, especially on stock lenses. Nikon Lite AS significantly reduces this trade off. Its unique DAS design results in improved optics and better cosmetic, on a stock lens.


Double aspheric single vision lens

Conventional Lens

Nikon double aspheric lens

Nikon Exceptional Optical Quality 

By incorporating the latest double aspheric technology into Nikon Lite DAS, Nikon is able to achieve the best optical performance among stock lenses available today. Double aspheric design  enables a further reduction in unwanted astigmatism compared to aspheric design.​


RECOMMENDED FOR: Higher prescription wearers who do not want to compromise aesthetics and optical quality

For further information about the Nikon Lens coating,Click Here.

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