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People aged between 20 and 45 have an increasing active and intensive lifestyle.At the end of a busy day this can cause headaches or pressure around the eyes. Because everybody has a different lifestyle, Tokai has developed a personalized single-vision lens that will support the eyes during long visual efforts.Thanks to a soft supplementary correction, Tokai’s Supple lens provides comfort to the eye in all viewing situations. This makes the Tokai Supple not an ordinary single-vision lens but a lens specific for young and active people.Tokai’s Supple lens is efficient for both people who already wear glasses and for first time wearers.



Prevent, from fatigue ofyour eyes 

  • Considered the angle of eyes to see far and near


  • Different amount of aspheric at the nasal side and the aural side


For further information about the Tokai Lens coating,Click Here.

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